Advantages of Glid Copper (ODSC)
- Softening temperature up to 930°C, repeated annealing does not soften, invariant.
- Hardness exceeds HRB 84, high strength, good fatigue and wear resistance.
- High conductivity and thermal conductivity.
- Strong radiation resistance and resistance to performance degradation caused by radiation.
- Excellent performance in the resistance welding electrode industry:
- Anti-softening, abrasion resistance, ablation resistance, long service life.
- High frequency of welding, 5-8 times that of ordinary chromium vanadium copper.
- Non-stick electrode for welding, it is the best choice for welding nickel, zinc and nickel-plated and galvanized sheets.
- High conductivity, thermal conductivity, good high temperature performance.
- Avoid the phenomenon of soldering, no sparks during soldering.
- Reduce replacement frequency and reduce costs.
Glid Copper Applications:
XYM15 is recommended for use in integrated circuit packaging devices, heat sinks, vacuum tubes, microwave tubes, X-ray tube devices, electrical connectors, brush springs, high-energy magnetic field coils, etc., in radiators (such as reactors) as radiators;
- XYM35 rolling flat wire, drawing special-shaped bar, wire, used for relay and switch spring profiles, lead frame, contact support, radiator, circuit breaker parts, rotor shaped bar, resistance welding electrode and seam welding Wheels, connectors, requiring high strength, high hardness and high electrical conductivity, especially after high temperature machining;
- XYM60 resistance welding electrode, battery industry nickel with soldering needle, gas shielded welding tip, parts that require high strength, high hardness and high conductivity after high temperature;
Main Application Areas:
- Resistance welding electrode material: Resistance welding refers to the method of welding the pressure through the electrode after the combination of the welding elements, and using the resistance heat generated by the current through the contact surface of the joint and the adjacent area. Welding electrodes are important consumable parts in various types of resistance welding equipment. It is subject to current circulation, pressure cycling and thermal cycling during service. It is suitable for the welding of copper and aluminum such as nickel sheets, low carbon steel sheets, galvanized sheets, alloy plated steel sheets and stainless steel. High temperature strength and creep resistance; good anti-stick properties of welded nickel-plated, pure nickel and galvanized sheets; no sparks during welding, no black spots on welded products; service life 6-10 times longer than chromium copper or chromium zirconium.

- Lead frame and heat sink material: With the rapid growth of the IC industry and the development of packaging technology towards high integration, multi-level and direction of short, small, light and thin,
the thickness of the electronic packaging material has been decreased from 0.4mm, 0.38mm, 0.25mm to 0.20mm, 0.l0mm, 0.03mm. Therefore, higher requirements are put forward for the variety design, manufacturing technology and process level of electronic packaging materials. The lead frame is a skeleton of the integrated circuit, and is a connection circuit of the semiconductor chip and the outside and a heat dissipation channel of the chip. Hence, the frame material not only has high electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, but also high strength, hardness, heat resistance and oxidation resistance. Dispersion-strengthened copper alloy (Glid copper) can better meet the above requirements and is a good material for making lead frames.

- Electrical contact materials: The electrical contact is the most critical contact element in the electrical switch, and it undertakes the task of turning on and off the load current. Repeated tapping requires the contact to have high hardness and high temperature strength. Experiments show that the replacement of AgCdO15 or AgCdO20 with Al2O3 dispersion strengthened copper alloy (Glid copper) in DC motor switch is not only lower than silver-based contact material, but also has a service life of 200,000 to 300,000 times, which greatly exceeds the service life of AgCdO15 material (100,000 Time) and the lifetime of the AgCdO20 material.

Product Link: Glid Copper